Monday, 24 October 2016

flat plans

I have designed a flat plan for my front cover as it will help me when I come to constructing it and being able to show changes I have made at the end of this project. I have looked at codes and conventions of front covers took ideas from that and looked at my 3 main regional magazines and set this flat plan out the same way they are to stick with the main theme. I have used boxes to show features on the cover as i find this to be the easiest way to set out flat plans. I have an idea of what i want the main image to be, I want it to be full bleed and relating to my focus film.
 Here is a design for my contents page. It is fairly simplistic as most contents pages for regional magazines are, there isn't to much going on. To create synergy between my magazine and website I will be using the same style of bars to have my title on. I have created this flat plan to help me brain storm ideas for the lay out even if it isn't the final one. Now looking at other magazines I think i will change a few things on the contents page as I do no think it is played out well it doesn't look like everything is even.
I have create a DPS to practise lay out designs for my magazine, this may not be the end product but it is good to create lay outs to see which is best and which isn't suitable. I like this lay out as it fits in with regional magazines there is more than one image on the page and the image isn't a full bleed one. I do not want to include a full bleed image on this page as it would look to much like a national magazine and that isn't what I want. I will first write a draft for my article before I add it as I want it to all make sense and have correct spelling.

This is the flat plan for y website I designed using Microsoft Word. I chose to make a flat plan first to brain storm ideas and change them if needed. I think I like the main page of my website, I looked at The Tyne side cinema for reference and The customer house.
This will be one of my hyperlinked pages, It will be under Focus films, I looked at Tyne Side cinemas website to see what they put for their focus film "I, Daniel Blake" I think out of all the flat plans this is the one I am most unsure about as it does't look like a good article page. I think I will make a few changes and look at other film websites as well to gather information.
This hyperlink will be a news section, I decided to do a News section as it will be more interesting to do instead of a contact page or a screening time page, I like the way thesis set out and doing this will help me look at my flat plan and decided if I need to make changes or not.

Monday, 10 October 2016


Film magazine for media Pitch from pennyslidenshare
I have created a pitch to brainstorm my ideas for a regional film magazine. The pitch includes things such as language and register, practise shots, colours scheme and Facial expression. I think this is a neat way to collect all my first ideas and to be able to go back and easily see where I have changed things.

Audience reviews on pitch

"In the second slide, I think you should expand more on what 'empire' magazine is as this is not clear. You could include other reason in which why you chose it, such as you think this is a colour scheme or layout which you might want to follow the lines of. In the their slide, if you were in need of some more practice pictures,try locations in which are varied, such as a busy town centre or a indoor personal area such as a home, so when you can look into the theme of your own magazine in which you will create, you can have options to look at of what you think will work best. In slide 4, you could talk about your own personal opinion of film, and why you like it so much. When talking about the colour scheme, you can so mention if it gives you an inspiration " says becky

Ben says "The practice pictures page looks a little unorganized, its well informative over all"

after I updated it I asked Megan for her opinion she said "Just had a look through, I like it, you've got some good information in there"

Front cover, contents and Dps deconstructions of Regional and National magazines

I have used Powtoon to do research and deconstruct the covers, contents page and double page spreads of Regional and national magazines. this helped go towards my final out come as I can see the re curing codes and conventions of regional and national magazines.


I have created a Powtoon listing my commotion and how I will go about competing with them, I think this helped me brain storm ideas for my final product and find out more information on other institutions.

Friday, 7 October 2016

suitable and not suitable

Suitable or not suitable from pennyslidenshare

I have created a slideshare looking over my photo s i have taken. I have noted why some are suitable for my final design and how some are not. This will help me look at them in further detail.

Location and props

I have created a press to discuss the research on location and props, I have mentioned which locations are good and which are bad. By doing this press it has helped me change some first ideas, like going into the city and arcades and after thinking over them i changed my mind for multiple reasons.

Location Scout
Seabird beach 
Like I have said in the prezi above I have chosen to take most of my photos at Seaburn beach as it has a lot to offer, it links into the region and is recognizable to people who live in the area. Seaburn offers a number of events during the year the air shows and the illuminations which bring people and money to the area my film could do the same as people will come to Seaburn if they are a fan.

Metro station
 Students spend most of their life on public transport, Having a film inspired by traveling in every day life would be a quirky and interesting idea, I think metro stations are recognisable only to this region and people in this region can connect to that and be like "they filmed some of that movie here"

City centre

Taking photos in the city centre maybe difficult as it is normally busy unless you go down side streets and that would be unsafe. Some times you aren't allowed to take photos in shops or next to them, some times people disturb you by asking about what you are doing? or if you are allowed to do this here. The city centre would be a good location as it is in this region and a lot of people live there. I think the atmosphere will make the photos look less like they are being acted out.

Colour scheme

I think that the union jack would be a good idea to take inspiration from, it is from the pace where we all live the readers will be more interested and attached I think. The colors red white and blue all go together. Empire has a read and black color scheme Sci-fi now has used white and black together. My color scheme is different from both of these magazines. Regional magazine Vibe has a mainly Red color scheme, they use red as it is the color of sunderland football team and links in with that region. The red of my magazine also links in. I collected images of magazine to help my research on color scheme to see what the most common color scheme is take inspiration from that and change it slightly. I think red is the most popular used color as its bold and eye catching, stands out more.

Monday, 3 October 2016

model organization


I have created a recce to discuss the problems that might  happen during my photoshoot such as safety, weather, times and what if models don't show up. I have said how i will solve these problems for each stage also.